Sports for all

Play Sport

At Brighton College, our ethos focuses on sport for everyone. We cater for all pupils, encouraging each child to participate and develop skills in the sport of their choice whilst extending those pupils who wish to excel at the highest levels. Some of the sports which we offer are:


Play Athletics

Core skills are developed across all disciplines in both track and field. Our athletes enjoy attending inter-school meets and representing the school in a range of events.


Play Cricket

Cricket is a popular sport in the United Kingdom for boys and girls. We will begin with striking and fielding lessons in Pre-Prep, with pupils progressing to competitive matches from Year 3.


Play Football

Boys and girls from Year 1 learn to play a sport that is widely popular around the world through a fantastic range of matches and tournaments. This is a chance for pupils to not only improve their fitness, but to also to learn about teamwork and cooperation


Play Hockey

The hockey season is always full of excitement with training aiming to unlock potential and teach a range of skills, including: agility, balance, control and coordination. Pupils also enjoy competing in teams, and share a sense of achievement.


Play Ruby

Introduced from Year 2, pupils from all age groups are taught key match play skills as they move through the year groups. We focus on learning and development, encouraging everyone to be the best they can be. Rugby not only helps pupils develop their social skills and improve their physical fitness, but also helps build resilience and character.


Play Siwmming

Swimming is recognised as one of the most beneficial sports for all ages. It not only improves pupils’ stamina, balance and posture, but also keeps their heart and lungs healthy.


Play Tennis

Tennis is played by all pupils across a range of abilities with teams or individually.

Water Polo


The sport combines speed and strength as well as teamwork and a high level of fitness – one outfield player can cover up to two miles in one game alone.