Brighton College Vietnam Sports Day: A Celebration of Unity and Achievement

Brighton College Vietnam Sports Day: A Celebration of Unity and Achievement

Sports at Brighton College Vietnam is a testament to inclusivity and excellence, as pupils from every Year Group demonstrated their athletic abilities and sportsmanship during our recent Sports Day. With unwavering support from teachers and an atmosphere filled with excitement, it was truly a day to remember. 

With cheers filling the air, our Head Master, Mr. Matthew Bartlett, praised the pupils for throwing themselves into every sport, striving to be a better version of themselves. Pupils broke their own limits, relishing in the camaraderie and support from their friends as they pushed towards victory. Supported by dedicated teachers, every pupil felt empowered to succeed, reflecting the unity and diversity of our school community. As we look ahead, we celebrate the pupil’s efforts and avidly anticipate future opportunities for them to push their boundaries and shine.