BCVN offers a comprehensive paid bus service for all pupils on agreed bus routes, providing services that operate to and from school, Monday to Friday. They are timed to arrive at school in good time for the start of the day and pick up after Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) or at the end of lessons on a Friday. The school expects all pupils to ordinarily stay for CCAs and therefore buses will leave school after 16:00 (except Friday: 15:00). The purpose of this policy is to ensure safe pick-up/drop-off and build self-discipline and independence among pupils of Brighton College Vietnam.
For pupils
- Show the bus pass when getting on and off the bus.
- Get on/off the bus and be seated under the instructions of the bus escorts/driver.
- Wear seat belts at all times.
- Follow the instructions of the bus escorts/driver.
- Older pupils support younger ones. Extend greetings when getting on and off the bus. Remember that one of our core values is ‘kindness’ and this can be very clearly demonstrated when using the bus. This is through our interactions with other pupils, with the bus driver and escorts/driver and members of the public.
- Always treat the bus interior with care, keep it clean, do not drop litter and follow the bus rules.
- Be quiet. Do not shout, disturb the driver or behave in a way that distracts from safe travel.
- Be present at the pick-up point before the bus arrives and departs.
- Pupils who refuse to show their bus pass, wear seat belts or follow the instructions of the bus escorts/driver, or do not behave in a way that demonstrates kindness and BCVN values will receive a warning and may not be allowed to take the bus anymore without being eligible for a refund.
For parents
- To develop positive behaviours in pupils, parents are requested to get them ready before pick-up/ drop-off times. The bus will wait no more than two minutes, but parents should take pupils to the pick-up point on time in order not to affect the bus schedule and other pupils waiting at the next pick-up points. In case of late arrival, parents need to take the pupils to school/home by themselves or contact the bus escorts/driver to pick up/drop off the pupils at the next stop.
- The bus may pick up/drop off Pupils at the entrance of a lane or on the other side of the road in case of unfavorable traffic to minimise their travel time.
- Parents should remind pupils to bring their bus pass, wear seatbelts throughout their bus ride and follow the instructions of the bus escorts/driver.
- Parents hand pupils over to and receive them from the bus escorts/driver at the bus door (not inside the bus). When receiving pupils from the bus escorts/driver, parents have to present their pick-up/drop-off card.
- Possible situations at pick-up/drop-off points:
- The bus arrives earlier than the scheduled time: It will wait until the pick-up/drop-off time.
- The bus arrives later than the scheduled time (due to unforeseen circumstances): Please wait. The bus escorts/driver will notify parents if the bus is more than 5 minutes late.
- The bus finishes its route but parents are yet to arrive: The bus escorts/driver will take the remaining pupils back to school by their own vehicle or by taxi and notify parents. Any costs incurred commuting and out of school hour care (OSHC) costs are to be paid by parents.
- In special cases, parents may call the bus escorts/driver to notify them of the pupils’ unexpected leave or resumed use of bus service.
- Parents are requested to register with school office and the bus escorts/driver if their phone number changes.
- Parents may not request the bus driver/escorts to drop pupils off at a point different from the registered one.
- The bus escorts/driver reserves the right not to allow those who are neither parents nor registered guardians of pupils to pick them up at the drop-off points if there is no prior notice and/or failure to present the pick-up/drop-off card.
- To continue registering the bus service for pupils in the new school year, parents need to complete the registration and payment before August 1st. Late registrations will be considered in the next bus arrangement of the school year.
- Bus arrangements are made at the beginning of each school year and can be adjusted during the school year.
- Parents are requested to make full, on-time payments of the bus service according to BCVN’s Financial Regulations.
- Parents who register different pick-up and drop-off points on two bus lines are to pay double. The School provides a two-way bus service; even if Pupils only use one-way service, the cost of the service still applies in its entirety.
- To cancel the bus service, please make the cancellation on the BCVN app 15 days in advance.
- The School reserves the right to refuse the bus service in cases as follows:
- The suitable bus line is full and cannot accept any more pupils.
- Pupils who register for the bus service are small in numbers and their places are scattered.
- If parents/guardians are late to pick up/drop off Pupils or the pupils are late more than 3 times, the School reserves the right to refuse the bus service to those pupils immediately and will not refund and expenses during the month of service discontinuation.
- The school reserves the right to refuse the bus service to any pupils without refunding if they themselves or their parents fail to comply with this Bus Policy or act against the school regulations.
- Parents who register the bus service for pupils agree to comply with this Bus Policy.
For the school
- Ensure that the bus service meets quality and safety standards according to the Law on Road Traffic and that all passengers are covered by insurance.
- Ensure that all buses have a bus escort who manages and takes care of the pupils under the age of 10.
- The bus may drop off pupils at a point opposite to the pick-up point if the road has a concrete divider.
- The bus may drop off a pupil at the entrance of the lane where their house is located due to unfavorable access.
Emergency procedure
In the event of an emergency out of school hours (from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm), parents and others can contact Brighton College Vietnam on 1800 6010. Depending on the nature of the emergency, the College’s Critical Incident Plan may be put into place.
General queries
For other queries during school hours (08:30 – 16:00), Brighton College Vietnam can be contacted on:
- Hotline: 1800 6010
- Email: [email protected]
Brighton College Vietnam will alert parents in the event of the late arrival of buses due to unforeseen circumstances (heavy traffic/breakdowns etc.) via the School Digital Communications System (iSAMS/email/text).
Pupils and parents are expected to adhere to these processes and procedures and the Head Master retains the right to remove the privilege of the option of a school bus service to any pupil who does not follow these guidelines.