Pushing Limits: The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Pushing Limits: The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Throughout the year, under the guidance of Brighton College Vietnam’s teachers, our first cohort of Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award participants embarked on a transformative journey of personal development. They dedicated themselves to completing the requirements across the Skills, Physical Activity, and Service components, undertaking a variety of personal projects and charitable initiatives. 


Additionally, they faced two rigorous Expeditions: one through Pu Luong, Thanh Hoa, and another across Nam Cang, Sa Pa. Each trek, spanning nearly 30 km, saw our pupils navigating solely with local maps while carrying 10kg backpacks the entire way.



They were guided and practiced how to navigate using a local map in the mountainous forest area.


Most impressive of all was the endurance and determination shown by the students as they carried 10kg backpacks on their shoulders throughout the entire journey!


Under the leadership of Mr Vimpany and Mrs and Mr Clarke, the DofE programme at Brighton College Vietnam has been in full swing since the beginning of the year, offering our pupils a comprehensive experience that encompasses skills development, physical activity, community engagement, and adventurous expeditions. Despite the daunting nature of these adventures, our pupils’ unyielding determination empowered them to successfully conquer these formidable trials. 

Established in the UK in 1956, the DofE programme has expanded to 120 countries worldwide, offering opportunities for youth aged 14-24. Recognised internationally, millions of young individuals engage in the DofE programme to unlock their potential, boost confidence, develop leadership skills, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The Duke of Edinburgh Award has proven to be an exceptional catalyst for our pupils, encouraging them to exceed their limits, test their resilience, and nurture their personal growth.