Pupils Delight in A Spectacular Performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at Hanoi Opera House

Pupils Delight in A Spectacular Performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at Hanoi Opera House

Earlier this month, Year 7 pupils had a memorable experience attending a professional performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Hanoi Opera House. This was an opportunity for them to immerse themselves in the magical world of Shakespeare, gaining insights and learning from the performance as they prepare for their debut play at Brighton College Vietnam.


Six talented professional actors and actresses from the American Drama Group Europe created a vivid and authentic setting, bringing Shakespeare’s imaginative world to life. Each character was portrayed with vibrant energy on stage, from mischievous fairies to lovestruck youths.


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An educational experience beyond entertainment.


This experience was not just for entertainment; pupils also got the chance to ponder the emotional intricacies and dialogue depth in the play, comparing their own interpretations of the script with the theatrical choices of seasoned actors. They integrated these insights into their own performances for the upcoming Senior Production.


The pupils enthusiastically discussed the story and characters in the play.
“I thoroughly enjoyed today’s theatre trip because it was highly informative and showed me exactly how I need to approach acting in our upcoming play.”
“After watching it, I felt truly inspired. It was so worth it!”


At Brighton College Vietnam, our approach extends beyond traditional academics to integrate real-world experiences in every aspect of learning. These opportunities empower pupils by bridging theoretical knowledge with practical insights, fostering a holistic understanding and a genuine passion for learning!