Pupil-Led Assemblies in the Prep School

Pupil-Led Assemblies in the Prep School

From the start of the term, our Friday mornings have been dedicated to Prep class assemblies, providing each class the chance to shine and entertain their peers and parents with highlights from their year’s learning.

The Theatre buzzed with excitement as pupils found new ways to dazzle their audience through hilarious skits creatively explaining the digestive system, thrilling Star Wars-themed escapades emphasising the power of light, in-depth explorations into narratives and literary devices, and heartwarming videos capturing our pupils’ hopes and dreams.

Each assembly was a golden opportunity for our pupils to showcase their learning and growth. By boldly claiming the stage, they built confidence and public speaking skills while creatively summarising their lessons in fun and engaging ways. The proud smiles and applause from parents and peers were a testament to the pupils’ hard work and dedication, making each Friday morning a memorable celebration of learning and creativity.

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Our Year 1 pupils gave us a tour around the world, sharing fun information about continents and the unique features of different countries.
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They highlighted signature aspects of each place, making the journey both educational and entertaining.
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Our Year 2B pupils bravely shared their dreams on the big stage, aspiring to be chefs, teachers, candy bosses, and more, while tackling tough questions with the simple answer: keep trying.
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Our Year 3 pupils took the audience on a Star Wars-themed adventure to explore the wonders of light, guided by Master Yoda.
Year 3
They learned about the importance of avoiding direct sun exposure, how light enables sight, and the various sources of light, both natural and artificial, culminating in a quiz that showcased their new knowledge and passion for discovery.
Dream Big
The enthusiasm and passion they displayed were heartwarming, showing that no dream is too big for our young learners to chase.
Year 4 Ab
Our Year 4 pupils brought the journey of food through our bodies to life, highlighted by the creative adventure of “Mr. Banh Mi” traveling through the digestive tract.
Year 4
Our pupils demonstrated leadership and scientific knowledge by acting out each stage of digestion and engaging the audience with interactive questions.
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Our Year 5C took the stage with a pupil-led assembly centered on the upcoming Olympics in France.
Year 5
They captivated the audience with insights into Olympic sports, participating nations, stadiums, past host countries, and Vietnamese athletes, concluding with a delightful singing session.
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Our Year 6 pupils filled the theatre with wonderful songs and performances, captivating the audience with their talent and enthusiasm.
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Their heartfelt performances left a lasting impression, showcasing their dedication and artistic flair.