A Magical Success: Senior Pupils Shine in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

A Magical Success: Senior Pupils Shine in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Over two enchanting nights, our senior pupils mesmerised audiences with their performance of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Held on June 11th and 12th, the production was a testament to the hard work and dedication of our pupils. Their captivating performances and seamless execution of this classic play left the audience spellbound and received enthusiastic praise from parents, teachers, and fellow pupils.

The success of the play was not only due to the actors’ talents but also the exceptional efforts of those behind the scenes. From the intricate costumes subtly infused with Vietnamese cultural elements to the elaborate set designs, every aspect contributed to bringing the magical world of the play to life. This production highlighted the incredible collaboration and creativity within our school community, making it a truly memorable event.

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Opening Scene: Theseus, portrayed by An Khanh, planning his wedding with Hippolyta, played by Mimi, setting the stage with anticipation and joy.
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A dramatic moment between Hermia (Elena) and Lysander (Arjun), capturing the intensity and raw emotion of their performances.
The enchanting forest set that transported the audience to another world, reflecting the creativity and hard work of the pupils.
Elsa as Puck, delivering one of his witty monologues with mischievous energy and charm.
A tense moment between Demetrius (Chethina) and Hermia (Khanh An), capturing their emotional conflict and intensity.
Quarrel in the Forest: The four characters—Demetrius (Chethina), Hermia (Elena), Helena (Khanh An), and Lysander (Arjun)—facing each other in the fairy forest, embodying the tangled web of love, jealousy, and mistaken identities.
The hilarious scene where Titania (My Anh), under a spell, falls in love with Bottom (Sage), who has been transformed into a donkey.
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A powerful scene where Oberon (portrayed by Hanh Chi) and his attendants confront Titania (played by My Anh) and her fairies, capturing the mystical essence of their conflict.
A close-up of the detailed costumes, featuring traditional Vietnamese wedding attire historically worn by the elite, adding a unique cultural touch to the performance, showcasing the pride and cultural appreciation of the pupils and teacher.
A humorous scene featuring Quince (played by Alfie) and Thisbe (played by Aarush), eliciting laughter from the audience.
Final Bow: The cast and crew enjoying their well-deserved applause at the end of the performance, their faces filled with joy and accomplishment.