Spotlight on Pupils: Key Moments from the Prize Giving Ceremony

Spotlight on Pupils: Key Moments from the Prize Giving Ceremony

The Prize Giving Ceremony was a joyous and unforgettable event, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our talented pupils. The evening was filled with inspiring speeches and mesmerising performances, creating an atmosphere of pride and excitement.

The highlight of the event was the speech by our guest of honours, Mr. Marcus Winsley, HM Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam, British Embassy. His words resonated deeply, reminding everyone of the power of perseverance and the incredible opportunities that lie ahead. Pupils Vi Khoi (Year 10) and Ninh Lan (Year 7) moved the audience with their touching speeches, sharing personal stories of growth and dreams for the future. Finally, Head Master Matthew Bartlett wrapped up the speeches with an uplifting message that left everyone feeling motivated and inspired. 

The ceremony reached its peak as Mr. Winsley presented the awards, personally congratulating our outstanding pupils and acknowledging their hard work and dedication. The event was further brought to life by the enchanting performances from our talented pupils, whose skills in music captivated the audience and showcased the vibrant artistic spirit of our school. The Prize Giving Ceremony was a heartfelt celebration of our pupils’ achievements, reflecting the supportive and nurturing environment that our school proudly fosters.