Prep Talk Series: Sparkling Smiles and Healthy Bodies

Prep Talk Series: Sparkling Smiles and Healthy Bodies

Following the Prep Talk Series focusing on Music, Brighton College Vietnam transitioned to a crucial focus on health and well-being. The pupils engaged in age-appropriate health sessions tailored to their developmental stages. These interactive sessions proved highly effective, with our pupils actively participating, posing thoughtful questions, and sharing insights. It was encouraging to observe their growing enthusiasm for healthy habits and their deepening understanding of wellness principles. By providing such comprehensive education, they can start forming lifelong health awareness and implementing healthier choices in their daily routines. 
Bright Smiles at Brighton College Vietnam: Oral Hygiene Talk
Year 1 and 2 pupils had the opportunity to learn more about Oral Health under the guidance of a dental expert. The session revolved around essential topics such as the secret to a sparkling smile, healthy eating habits, and the importance of regular dental check-ups.
Dr. Monica shared interesting information about dental issues and some useful tips, helping pupils form healthy care habits from an early age. The talk also addressed common oral problems and preventive measures. Pupils also had the opportunity to practise proper cleaning techniques on dental models. This interactive method made learning more enjoyable and helped pupils visualise how to care for their own teeth.
Pupils actively participated in answering the doctor’s questions to learn proper dental care
Pupils actively participated in answering the doctor’s questions to learn proper dental care
Interaction with a Paediatrician to Understand the “Why” Behind Health Recommendations
While Year 1 and 2 pupils had the chance to learn more about oral health, pupils from Years 3-6 had an interesting session with Dr. Ian Santos from Family Medical Practice (FMP) to understand comprehensive healthcare.
During the talk, Dr. Santos shared three main health-related topics. First, pupils explored the secrets of a balanced and proper diet, understanding the importance of nutrition for healthy body development. The doctor emphasised the importance of sleep for physical and mental health, helping them realise that good sleep not only helps the body rest but also enhances learning and play efficiency. Finally, they learnt about food that can help boost concentration, enabling them to be more active in their studies at school.
By understanding the “why” behind each health recommendation, pupils can proactively apply healthy habits in their daily lives. This will not only help them make better choices for their health but also build a solid foundation for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Dr Ian Santos cultivated an engaging "healthy lifestyles" dialogues with the pupils
Dr Ian Santos cultivated an engaging “healthy lifestyles” dialogues with the pupils
Each interaction session was designed to create a dynamic learning environment where pupils were encouraged to ask questions, exchange ideas, and participate in practical activities. This helped promote the development of critical thinking, communication skills, and the ability to apply knowledge in daily life, while emphasising the importance of building a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.