Nurturing Students’ Potential and Passion for Mathematics

Nurturing Students’ Potential and Passion for Mathematics

At Brighton College Vietnam, our Math program is designed to not only meet but exceed academic standards, fostering a deep appreciation for the subject. Join us as we explore the unique advantages of our program through the insights of our Head of Math, Mr Akram Choudhury.

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The Mastery Approach – “Every Child Can Succeed”

Mr Akram Choudhury believes in a math mastery approach, rooted in the belief that every child is capable of succeeding in math given the right environment, teaching principles, and time. Our curriculum goes beyond exams, emphasizing fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving to equip students with skills for life. We aim to establish a 7-year math curriculum covering KS3, IGCSE, and IB, complete with resources and assessments to support every stage of a student’s journey.

Enhancing Interest and Performance

Our goal is to help students appreciate and enjoy math, leading to exceptional outcomes. Lessons are designed to engage students and make learning intriguing and challenging. By structuring lessons to promote understanding and engagement, students are more likely to enjoy math and excel in it, creating a positive cycle of learning and achievement.

Empowering Teachers and Supporting Parents

Recognizing the crucial role of teachers, Mr Akram Choudhury will foster collaboration within the Maths department through regular meetings, professional development, and best practice sharing. Additionally, he has created a dedicated math website brimming with resources to support both students and parents.

Mr Akram Choudhury, our new Head of Math, brings 11 years of experience teaching mathematics in English secondary schools, both state and independent, as well as primary school experience. His extensive experience and dedication to teaching mathematics make him an invaluable addition to our academic team.